Sunday, October 30, 2011

Halloween fun

Today we carved a pumpkin for Halloween.
Tonight we will go trick or treating and play some Halloween games at the school.
( I think it's just all about the 'candy')

These pumpkins are very different from the ones at home... you can actually cut through them pretty easily.
I can't see us doing this with a Queensland Blue!

Jack's choice of face

Molly's choice of a Kitty face

Now we are finished,  we will smother the inside with cinnamon, so when we burn a candle inside it will look pretty and smell good too.

We do our trick or treating on the school campus. This year different parents and staff offered some games around the campus and then we finished with a marshmallow toast.
Harry Potter and Pearlie the park fairy.

As you can see buy the leaves- Fall is here!

Friday, October 14, 2011

An article about me in our school newspaper (online newspaper)

I'm enjoying my 5 minutes of fame... well sort of anyway!
This is an article written for our school newspaper (online newspaper) about the Tennis season this year and it's new coach!
Here they are the lovely Lady Dragons Tennis team.
 Next Tuesday we are off to a tournament in Beijing for 5 days.
Oh yes, the life of an international teacher is never dull and always busy!
Squad for Beijing...can only take 5 out of the 9.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Molly reading using Voice Thread

Molly loved reading for me tonight as I was trying out a new app on my ipad called 'voice thread.'
Check it out.

Friday, October 07, 2011

Photo's of stuff... school, pots and Busan

Molly and I at our outdoor concert at school.
My latest milk jug... the lip went a bit wrong
Boardwalk view in Busan

At the giant Buddha

cool dragon

Here he is... the big, happy guy

Such a pretty setting

Sunday, October 02, 2011

The secrets of Happy People

Gee I like this article and blog...

Sunny days in fall

Jack was the victim of 'heightism in Korea last weekend. After being denied access to Bodyworld bc he's too tall, we then went to a great playground, where they said he was too tall again. This mother renegotiated in Korean and Jack was able to enter. I guess if you're as tall as Jack you are normally much older. 9, I think he should be allowed to use a playground.
Needless to say both Jack and Molly had fun!

Molly climbing a killer rope web. This one went up a whole story.
This morning, our kids enjoyed some serious lego play time.
After a week of school and organized activities, they so need time to get out stuff, make up stories and games, argue a little and just play.
I love that our kids use their creativity so freely.

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