In grade 6-10 Peter and I have tried to develop units of work that focus on Physical, Social and Mental health, while integrating Spiritual Health also into each unit.
I really feel like I should practice what I preach a little more...
So my goal for the holidays is to nurture my mental Health through some very specific strategies.
Being grateful can help mental strength tremendously, but telling students just to be thankful is often not enough... Same goes for myself.
So my strategy is to banish the "Debbie Downer" who sometimes rears her ugly head. She is the voice that complains in my head and out loud too.
This week I challenge myself to not complain about my life... Food, traffic, time, circumstances, weather...
This week by not complaining I will open up my heart and head to being more grateful... Which will be a future goal.
Can I make it?
Can I go for the whole week without complaining...
I'll let you know how it goes