Saturday, July 24, 2010

Day 1 in Hong Kong

It is still amazing to me that you can jump on a plane and in a few hours you can arrive in a completely different climate and culture.
After a LONG day of travelling we arrived at our resort very late and finally all bundled into bed about 2am Adelaide time. Nedless to say we slept a little late and had a very lazy and relaxing first day in HK.
Unfortunately we are not allowed to use our camera at the pool... but we got a couple of snaps before the lovely young security man let us know why.
This resort is great with the most fantastic children's pool, slides and playgrounds. We all actually had a good time in the water today- frankly the only way to stay cool!
While the dark clouds rolled in this afternoon and it threatened to rain... it didn't really. At least the overcast condiditons keeps the temp down a little- remember we came from winter yesterday so are all feeling it!
As with all places Asian that I have been to... water + locals=fishing. HK is no exception, after all it did all begin as a modest fishing town.
It doesn't seem to take much effort to grow tropical foliage here- the gardens are just beautiful in the resort.
Love a mosaic!
Tomorrow we are off to Lantau island- the cable cars, fishing village and cable car ride (and I am sure there will be plently of pool action included)

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