Monday, August 09, 2010

Day #1 of the 2010/2011 school year

A big day for all the Pearse family today... but especially so for Molly who started Kindergarten today(Reception to the Oz folks).
Molly was up super early, dressed, combed her hair and got her bag ready before 7am this morning. She was pretty excited.
Jack moved into 3rd grade and has been a little apprehensive about the higher expectations of work that he feels he will be met with. He really wants to see his friends though... motivation to cast all of the other doubts aside.
Molly was a little nervous as she saw 2 new students and then came the realization that this Kindergarten room was different to what she knew... no tears... just a pause in excitement.

Jack was a great big brother and waited patiently to pick up Molly from her classroom today. They were both buzzing after school and didn't stop talking about their day until after dinner.

The start of the school year is so anticipated and can be quite nervewracking at times.
The thing that makes the first day great is seeing the students and hearing their stories. Once you see them I always know I am in the right profession. All of the fluff in the lead up to today makes seeing those students worth it.
A good first day... no... A great first day!
Now for tomorrow...

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